Whole school
Back To School Kensuke's Kingdom Year 4 to 6 Planning and worksheets
I’m now retired from teaching after decades in the classroom.
I’d like to help the younger generation.
One aspect I don’t miss in Sundays. Trying to fill in planning grids that were rarely used or looked at. What a nightmare!
So I’ve put together my teaching plans etc from the various schools I was in.
The zip contains loads. I’ve put a sample in the ordinary download to give you a flavour
It’s mainly to do with Kensuke’s Kingdom. But there’s othet stuff too included for free. There’s stuff on Dolphin Boy, Butterfly boy etc.
Feel free to adapt for your planning grid.
Sample planning :
Recount one event from holiday. Note features and language patterns to list.
Chronological, time connectives, 1st person, past tense, personal views. Write a recount for the Easter holiday. Individual revision task. Focus on organization and links using temporal connective phrases. Personal views.
Introduce ch 1 for Kensuke’s Kingdom. Record initial response with prediction. Select examples to show Michael’s feelings. List reasons for and against yourself and family setting off on a round the world sail, Justify relating to evidence selected from the text.
Red: format provided
Gr/Or: list reasons from two places
Bl/Y: form contrasting sentences… begin with, “even though…”
Read ch 2. In pairs. How does Mom feel about the trip and Dad’s ideas? What is the alternative? 1. Why has Michael decided now to tell his story?
2. Who are the members of Michael’s family?
3. What do the family do together on the weekends? Can you describe how it makes them feel?
4. Why do the family stop sailing?
5. What is the atmosphere like in the house?
6. What happened to Michael’s best friend?
7. What happens to Michael’s father and why?
8. What do you think happens next?
9. Describe the father when they meet up again. What sort of mood is he in?
Read chapter three. List examples of each character’s feelings. How do Mom and Dad’s feelings compare.
When Michael and his family first set sail, how many miles a day do they want to do?
How many miles a day do they actually do?
What game do Michael’s parents play?
What do they eat?
What creatures do they see off the coast of Africa?
In November they went to Brazil. Where did they stop?
What did Michael do in Brazil?
What did they do on Christmas Day?
Describe, in your own words, the incident with Stella Artois. Record the incident with Stella as a personal diary entry.
Refer to events in the chapter.
HA: personal style to include worries for the future.
MA: Organise into paragraphs with links
LA: use ed-ing-ly openers.
You get 8.7 mb of stuff so that’s good value imo. In it are lesson plans, powerpoints, questions etc.
Enjoy your Sundays!
Year 5 Literacy Planning Autumn Term KS2 Greek Myths Big Write
This is a zip file containing Literacy planning for a year 5 class (Autumn term)
It consists of 14 short term plans I designed. There is one Literacy lesson per day.
You will get 14 Microsoft Word documents. They are based on the Greek myths.
I’ve also included for free some extra teaching materials that you can use. I’ve included too 3 medium term plans , one for each term). These cover plans and ideas not just for Literacy, but other subjects as well.
I’ve also included an extra week from the next term. Feel free to use it to plug any gaps.
This will help you do your own planning. Feel free to cut and paste into your own school’s plans.
Ideal for someone who had to do a term’s supply like I had to do.
Please bear in mind:
every school is different. My plans assume you have the aide of a TA, but this is not essential. There is no differentiation in the planning. Everyone does the same thing to the best of their ability.
you may want to add your own detail. These are short term plans remember.
I have used walts and wilts. Your school may do something different.
A very few number of weeks have a small gaps for things like tests and inset days. Use the extra week one planning for the next term (included for free) if you wish.
Wolves in The Wall Planning Plus Literacy Arguments Neil Gaiman
Great 4 weeks planning for this Literacy topic.
Really nice powerpoints.
Plus free bonus. Plenty of argument planning using Olympics.
Example planning :
Identify and discuss the various features of a fiction text, including characters, settings, themes and dilemmas, the author’s intentions, the structure and organisation of the text and the way language is used to create effects on the reader.
Use the techniques of dialogic talk to explore ideas, topics or issues.
Creating and shaping texts
Set their own challenges to extend achievement & experience in writing.
Understanding and interpreting texts
Understand how writers use different structures to create coherence and impact.
Text structure and organisation
Use varied structures to shape and organise text coherently
Sentence structure and punctuation
Express subtle distinctions of meaning, including hypothesis, speculation and supposition, by constructing sentences in varied ways
Use punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences
To produce several pieces of writing based around the focus text.
To learn and identify the features of a formal/impersonal text and comment on occasions where this may be necessary.
To produce a formal letter, speech and broadcast using appropriate form, features and content.
Remind children of last week’s immersion into the focus text. TTYP – what did you think of the text? If you could talk to the author, what would you say to him? Ask him?
Display a ‘Likes/Dislikes/Patterns/Questions’ board on the whiteboard. Explain that we are going to focus on the ‘patterns’ section today.
Re-read the last few pages of the book and add ‘false endings’ to the patterns section.
Have some photocopied pages from the book in the centre of the tables (each table to have different pages).
Give groups ten minutes to note any patterns they see on whiteboards.
Come back together and note on the board to include:
False endings.
Lucy asking her Mother, Father and brother for advice, always in that order.
Adjectives for the noises she hears.
Alliteration and onomatopoeia.
Phrase “You know what they say…”
Appearance of pig puppet.
What effect do these patterns have on the reader? They give the text fluency, a rhythm almost like a poem. They make the text easier to read and digest. The repetition also mimics the repetition of Lucy’s pleas to her family to listen to her about the noises. They make the reader frustrated on Lucy’s behalf.
Have one child write a definition of ‘atmosphere’ on a sentence strip for the working wall. A general feeling or mood.
There are a few different atmospheres in this book. Discuss. List tension, frustration, relief etc on the board.
Harry Potter Puzzles Crosswords Word Searches J K Rowling
Puzzles for Harry Potter.
Great for Friday afternoons when the kids go mad.
Sample clues.
A person who is born to magic parents but has
no magic ability.
Hooded dark arts creatures who at one time
followed Voltemort.
The wizarding world’s main newspaper.
The day a person dies and becomes a ghost.
A very powerful dark wizard who killed James
and Lily Potter.
Fifth year exam for students of the Hogworts
An expensive broom that Sirius buys for
The train that takes Hogworts students to and
from the school.
Nearly Exhausting Wizarding Test.
Buttery drink which can be bought by
students in Hogsmeade.
Year 5 to Year 6 Transition Materials Primary School Ideas Last Day
Ideas for that tricky day.
Word doucument with loads of ideas.
Lovely powerpoint to guide you into year 6.
Plus some other bits and bobs such as French lessons etc
Transition day – Year 6
9am – 9.30am: Whole school assembly.
9.30am – 10.45am: Circle time. Worries, concerns, hopes and dreams.
Gather children’s thoughts on moving to year 6. Discuss how they are feeling. Discuss with children it is natural to be feeling apprehensive. Send children to table groups to complete table of things in year 6 they are looking forward to and things they are worried about. Discuss as a class and complete class table to refer back to after 1st week.
Go through our expectations of them for year 6 and the rewards and sanctions they will receive. Discuss. Also mention Sats and Confirmation.
Discuss their personal targets for year and ask them to think of one thing they really want to improve on and aim for in year 6. Reinforce idea of a fresh start.
Discuss how we are all going to turn over a new leaf and send ch. to places to do so and write personal target for year on a leaf template. Place anonymously in time capsule. Discuss what one is and how they work. Discuss we will not open until end of year 6.
Talk about Year 6. TTYP what are your main thoughts? Come back together and discuss SATs, Confirmation, Easter fair and residential.
Star activity.
11am – 11.30am: Class rules
11.30am – 12pm: Expectations, rewards & sanctions.
Spare time = ‘Billionaire Boy’.
15000 Pythagorus Questions Pythagorean Theorem Maths KS2 KS3
Loads of questions on Pythagoras plus answers.
Excellent for practice or homework.
The zip file contains a pdf of 3750 pages of questions. The answers file is the same.
Persuasive Writing Lots of Planning Powerpoints Worksheets English
Happily retired, decided to put together my Persuasive writing planning from my various schools.
there’s a mass of stuff!
Save yourself a shedload of time and enjoy your Sundays!
Plenty of great powerpoints.
From different years but concentrating on years 3 to 6.
example planning :
Main teaching:
Explain that we are now looking at another text under the umbrella of persuasive texts.
Explain that we may sometimes need to write a letter to a person or organisation in order to put across our point of view and persuade them to take a course of action or come around to our point of view.
Revise what we need to include in a persuasive argument, explain that it is exactly the same in a letter but in a slightly different layout.
Read the example of a persuasive letter from page 17 of the L4 study guide.
Deconstruct and discuss. Elicit that the opening of the letter needs to be powerful and state the objective of the letter. Talk about the conclusion of the letter and how it also needs to be powerful.
Ensure that children understand the structure of a letter (addresses etc).
Activity 1
Bring children back together and draw up a list of good opening lines ‘I am writing to express my disgust’ etc.
Explain that, tomorrow, children will be writing their own persuasive letter.
Show them the title ‘TV adverts should be banned for junk foods’
Briefly discuss what is a ‘junk food’ and brainstorm reasons for not advertising them on TV.
Encourages obesity which leads to illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes.
Illnesses cost money (treatment on NHS) and days off work.
Junk food produces a lot of litter.
The packaging cannot be recycled.
If children have a bad diet their performance at school is affected. This adversely affects their education and future prospects.
Christmas assembly Script Ten Pages
ten page script.
Nice piece you can perform in class or to an assemlbly.
sample :
Narrator: Welcome to our Christmas celebration!
Narrator Welcome to INSERT TOWN, where our journey begins!
Narrator: Picture our winter scene…
Narrator: The air is filled with excitement, the faint hum of an inflatable Santa, blinding Christmas lights line the streets, illuminating the December skies.
Narrator: Our story begins in a beautifu; house not too far away from here…
Narrator: It is a tale of sadness, humour and love. If you are young or old, our story is one you will love!
Narrator : Oh no it isn’t!
Narrator: Oh yes it is! So sit back and enjoy the show, a magical tale of a young girl called Cinderella.
Narrator: It’s December 23rd. A bitterly cold winter’s eve. Across the globe people were making last minute plans for Christmas festivities.
Narrator: People running frantically from shop to shop to get their last minute presents.
Narrator: Cinderella was busy vacuuming, cooking the dinner, ironing (funny mime of Cinderella doing different jobs all at once!) and washing,…… when something caught her eye…
Algebra and Pythagoras worksheets KS2 Fractions
A bundle.
1000 questions Equations Single Variable Mathematics KS2 Algebra
100 Questions on Pythagoras Answers Provided
Half a million (500000) Fractions Questions Worksheets KS2 Mathematics Maths
Remembrance Day World war 1 History Teaching Materials Plans Resources KS2 History
I’m now retired from teaching after decades in the classroom.
I’d like to help the younger generation.
One aspect I don’t miss is Sundays. Trying to fill in planning grids that were rarely used or looked at. What a nightmare!
So I’ve put together my teaching plans, powerpoints, adobe pdf files etc from the various schools I was in.
Feel free to adapt for your planning grid.
In it are lesson plans, powerpoints, questions etc.
You get:
9 pdf files 19 powerpoints 16 word files
example text in pp
Remembrance Day 2010
LO: Understand why and what we remember.
Recognise how important Year 5’s job is.
Examine some sources of information about the first and second world wars.
Each year the nation expresses its unequivocal support for The Royal British Legion’s charity work through the Poppy Appeal.
The emphasis this year is the need to help the Afghan generation of the Armed Forces and their families - today and for the rest of their lives.
What is the Poppy Appeal?
What is Remembrance Sunday?
The Sunday nearest to November 11 when those who died in World War I and World War II are commemorated.
In 1900 (how many years ago?) there were
five great, powerful nations in Europe:
Britain France RussiaAustria-Hungary Germany
These countries had empires and armies.
Between 1900 and 1914 tension and arguments began to cause trouble.
The five main countries began an ‘arms race’, they were trying to amass troops, weapons and war ships.
Remember that powerful country called Austria-Hungary? The heir to the Austrian Hungarian throne was a man called Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated – this caused lots of trouble between the five rival nations.
Britain declared war on 4th August
Article on the assassination of the Archduke.
The total number of casualties, both military and civilian, were about 37 million. 16 million deaths. 21 million wounded. About 1.1million British troops died.
Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.
Lest we forget…
Fractions Worksheets Mega Bundle With Answers
A great bundle of fraction worksheets.
Equivalent Fractions 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths
Half a million (500000) Fraction Questions Worksheets
Mixed Fractions Questions 100 Worksheets Maths
Bundle Year 5 Literacy Planning Autumn Term KS2 Greek Myths & Times Tables Sheets
A great bundle for year 5.
This is a zip file containing Literacy planning for a year 5 class (Autumn term).
Plus some great sheets on testing Times Tables.
Pupils have to fill in the gaps in various grids I have designed. All answers provided.
It consists of 14 short term plans I designed. There is one Literacy lesson per day.
You will get 14 Microsoft Word documents. They are based on the Greek myths.
I’ve also included for free some extra teaching materials that you can use. I’ve included too 3 medium term plans , one for each term). These cover plans and ideas not just for Literacy, but other subjects as well.
I’ve also included an extra week from the next term. Feel free to use it to plug any gaps.
This will help you do your own planning. Feel free to cut and paste into your own school’s plans.
Ideal for someone who had to do a term’s supply like I had to do.
Please bear in mind:
every school is different. My plans assume you have the aide of a TA, but this is not essential. There is no differentiation in the planning. Everyone does the same thing to the best of their ability.
you may want to add your own detail. These are short term plans remember.
I have used walts and wilts. Your school may do something different.
A very few number of weeks have a small gaps for things like tests and inset days. Use the extra week one planning for the next term (included for free) if you wish.
Bundle Year 5 Literacy Planning Autumn Term KS2 Greek Myths & Coins Worksheets KS2
A great bundle.
This is a zip file containing Literacy planning for a year 5 class (Autumn term).
Plus great worksheets where pupils have to tot up the value of the coins. All answers provided.
It consists of 14 short term plans I designed. There is one Literacy lesson per day.
You will get 14 Microsoft Word documents. They are based on the Greek myths.
I’ve also included for free some extra teaching materials that you can use. I’ve included too 3 medium term plans , one for each term). These cover plans and ideas not just for Literacy, but other subjects as well.
I’ve also included an extra week from the next term. Feel free to use it to plug any gaps.
This will help you do your own planning. Feel free to cut and paste into your own school’s plans.
Ideal for someone who had to do a term’s supply like I had to do.
Please bear in mind:
every school is different. My plans assume you have the aide of a TA, but this is not essential. There is no differentiation in the planning. Everyone does the same thing to the best of their ability.
you may want to add your own detail. These are short term plans remember.
I have used walts and wilts. Your school may do something different.
A very few number of weeks have a small gaps for things like tests and inset days. Use the extra week one planning for the next term (included for free) if you wish.
Multi Faith week Islam Planning Powerpoints Worksheets Documents Ramadan
A great unit on Islam for primary school kids.
You get
14 pdf files
11 powerpoints
11 microsoft word documents
The planning is all there. The subjects include introduction to Islam, Mosques, Ramadan, pilgrims, the 5 pillars of Islam
example of text from worksheet :
Islamic Place of Worship
The ____________ is the place of worship for Muslim people. Most of these have a large dome above the main prayer hall. This is because the dome helps to
Outside the mosque, there is a _______________. This is a tower where the muezzin calls Muslims to prayer.
Inside the mosque there is a space to store shoes. This is because
There is also a place where the Muslims can wash. This is because
There are no seats in the main prayer hall because
_________________________________________________________________________ .
The ____________ on the wall show the times that Muslims must pray.
The ____________ wall is a wall which faces Mecca. In this wall, there is a _____________, which is a small cove pointing towards Mecca.
The minbar is a platform where the leader of the service (called the __________) gives his sermon.
This section may be blocked by a ________________. The mosque is also used as a place for
Islamic Place of Worship
The MOSQUE is the place of worship for Muslim people. Most of these have a large dome above the main prayer hall. This is because the dome helps to
Outside the mosque, there is a MINARET. This is a tower where the muezzin calls Muslims to prayer.
Inside the mosque there is a space to store shoes. This is because
There is also a place where the Muslims can wash. This is because
There are no seats in the main prayer hall because
The CLOCKS on the wall show the times that Muslims must pray.
The QIBLA wall is a wall which faces Mecca. In this wall, there is a MIHRAB, which is a small cove pointing towards Mecca.
The minbar is a platform where the leader of the service (called the IMAM) gives his sermon.
This section may be blocked by a SCREEN. The mosque is also used as a place for
Back To School Planning Year 4 Year 5 First Week Rules Activities Powerpoints
back to school activity pack.
Ideal for year 4 and 5. Can be adapted for different years of course.
I mainly taught in these years groups, and this planning helped so much in that tricky first week,
There;s a bit of everything. Planning of course, rules, display, activities
Just packed with vital little time savers.
Some really goo VCOP stuff too.
Plenty of resources. Give it a go!
Great Year 5 English Literacy Christmas Planning Alternative Christmas
This is some great planning for Christmas for Year 5 Literacy.
I found the kids loved it.
Advantages for you: kids are interested, it’s non religious so can be shown to everyone, you can watch the lovely short movie umpteen times so takes the strain off you.
It’s based on a great little movie, voiced by the late great John Hurt.
It will fill up the last two to three weeks nicely.
Plus there’s non literacy planning for free.
Some example planning :
To analyse and create a character and setting description for 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North.
I can express verbally what a character may be feeling, thinking or doing
I can explain why I think a character may feel, think or do something
I can describe a setting using figurative language
Starter 5 mins
Pen portrait of key characters in 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North: Children mind map/annotate information about the key characters that they know so far around an image of The Adventurer and Professor Erit. They add information about the internal feelings, thoughts and emotions within and the external information such as physical description, or known facts
Activity 1 5-10 mins
Use key questions and discussion in groups to think about answers to questions such as: Why am I here? Will I be able to find Professor Erit? Emphasise the importance of chn giving evidence to support their opinion when they give a response to these questions.
Activity 10 mins
Return to image of the Adventurer and Professor Erit. Using a different coloured pencil, chn should add information about these characters
Main 20 mins
Give chn an image of the setting and ask them to mind-map descriptive words, phrases or sentences they could use to describe the narrative setting.
Model using the different kinds of sentence-types to record a setting description, using the vocabulary recorder in the mind-map. Chn use sentences to build suspense if they can.
Plenary 5 – 10 mins
Chn share their comments about the Adventurer and Professor Erit with the class.
Chn to explain what they have now learnt about each character - using their skills of inference. Share best sentences to describe setting.
Take a moment to add any extra information after the class discussion to their own work, using another coloured pencil.
Short Christmas Play Ideal for Assembly The Story of Christmas Year 4 Assembly
A nice play for a Christmas assembly.
About 12 pages.
Sample :
Part 1:
KIRA - Narrator 1: The time leading up to Christmas is a busy one, and sometimes we can forget what the message of good news it brings. We would like you to imagine that this good news event is being broadcast to you today, live!
EMILY - Narrator 2: Our report, and the beginning of Christianity, is set in Nazareth. In the town, Jewish families were living under Roman occupation. These families had become poor due to King Herod’s heavy taxes. Nearly all the money the Jews earned went to Herod and the Romans so that they could afford new weapons and lovely food and clothes.
RICKY - Narrator 3: In the town lived a very religious Jewish family: the daughter of this family was called Mary. When Mary was about 14 years old she became engaged to Joseph, a talented carpenter.
SONG: Nazareth (NATIVITY) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNDcWruJ4IY
Things are really cool in Nazareth.
Our city is full of joy,
Cause this is where girl meets boy.
Barely had a school in Nazareth.
There they join hand in hand,
side by side, they will stand.
A wedding is being planned.
Here in Nazareth.
Nazareth our place to live.
Always willing to forgive.
Nazareth will bring us well.
We can hear those wedding bells.
Feeling in a fix in Nazareth.
Rules are to be obeyed,
Arrangements are being made.
Got to get your kicks in Nazareth
Baby, you’ll run away
Start at a brand new day
Still we can not betray
Good old Nazareth.”
<Play news theme – Have playing on a screen during broadcast?>
ASHTON - Newsreader 1: Hello. And welcome to this breaking news update. We begin our report with the news of wedding preparations that are under way for Mary and Joseph who are pledged to be married. Tonight, however, Mary was woken from a deep sleep by a gentle voice.
Morning Work Sentence Uplevelling Work Literacy Year 5 Pie Corbett
Some easy worksheets to get pupils uplevelling.
Good exercise to have on the desk when they arrive in class.
Plus some nice VCOP and Pie Corbett stuff.
Improving Sentences Checklist:
improve the verb
add an adjective (WOW word)
extend with a connective
start with an ly, ed or ing word
include a simile or a metaphor
add an adverbial
Sentence up Levelling
There was a volcano There were sparks flying
Molten lava streamed down the sides
Bargain Bundle Worksheets Lots of Maths year 5 Maths
Mega bundle.
Loads of worksheets with answers.
Please look at the shop.
Thousands of questions plus answers.
Free Mega English Christmas Wordsearch Year 1 to Year 6
Tons more great resources at Auntieannie’s shop.
I specialise in Primary school stuff mainly.
Please have a look.
Tons of Literacy and Maths lessons and resources.
Religion a speciality too with a smattering of Humanities.
You can get planning for indivisual years and terms too.
Bundles offer incredible value. Lots of self made sheets.
Thanks for looking!